Home Advisor - Frequenty asked questions

Questions About Property

Answers to the most common questions

Reviews include the address, ratings on safety, space, building facilities and amenities, neighbourhood amenities, cleanliness, management, landlord, smell, and noise. We also include information on whether the property was owned or rented, their impression of whether the rent/price was fair and what it was, pet friendliness, and other comments the reviewer may want to include.

We rely on Canadians like you to leave information on Home Advisor. We do not pull reviews from other sources. In future, we hope to have more information about properties not tied to reviews. For example, the contruction company that built the property, when it was built, management company, and photographs.

Simply click on the Add Reviews button. The process starts by you entering the address for the review. From there, go through the list of drop downs, and star ratings, add your comments and click submit.

Usually when we're looking to rent or buy we reach out to our networks in the hopes that someone has some information. Most likely they don't know the exact property, but have an idea of the neighbourhood from a friend of a friend. You can imagine this information is limited at best. The other source is the listing and the agent. They have a vested interest in getting the property rented or sold, so there is high potential for biased information. Home advisor offers reviews from people who've previously rented or owned the property, giving you insight into what it's like to actually live there.

The integrity of the reviews on Home Advisor is critical to ensure the platform remains a trusted and useful source of information. Click the Report button on any review or use the form on our Contact Us page and send us all the details. We'll open an investigation and get back to you.

We do not store nor do we sell any personally identifiable information to any third parties. We log IP addresses anonymously and associate them with the address(es) searched so we can make the platform better.

We are a tiny team, doing this in our spare time because we believe Canadians deserve better. Using an ad blocker won’t stop you from using the site. We want Canadians to be able to leave reviews and have access this information. Disabling your ad blocker allows us to show ads to you, which brings us a small amount of revenue to help pay for the site. Things like hosting, scaling, and maintaining the code cost money. Every bit helps.

There are several ways you can help support the project. Disabling any adblockers allows us to show ads. Alternatively, you can donate on GoFundMe or on BuyMeACoffee. Support helps us pay to keep the site deployed and maintained as well as fund new development on features to help make the site more useful.

We are not affiliated in any way with any real estate firm. Home Advisor is an independently owned and operated company aimed at helping Canadians through the housing crisis and beyond.